Homemade Natural Laundry Products
I tried a variety of 'recipes' and was pleasantly surprised at how easy they all were to make and how well they worked.
Our laundry room recently got a new coat of paint and a cute French black & white toile motif.
This inspired me to take my 'makeover' one step further and start making my own natural laundry products.
Homemade Natural Laundry Products
I am going to share how to make your own homemade detergent (powder and gel), stain remover, fabric softener and bleach alternative using common, natural household ingredients readily available in your grocery store or online.
So let's get started!
Homemade Natural Laundry Detergent Powder
- Grate soap bar into a large bowl.
- Stir in remaining ingredients.
Homemade Natural Laundry Detergent Gel
- Grate soap into a saucepan.
- Add 2 cups water and simmer until melted.
- Add washing soda and Borax and stir until dissolved.
- Pour 2 cups warm water into a large bowl.
- Add soap mixture and whisk.
- Slowly add another 10 cups warm water and the essential oil, stirring until mixed.
- The mixture will turn to a gel.
- Let sit for 24 hours and then transfer into a large glass or non-reactive jug.
Homemade Natural Fabric Softener
- Stir the conditioner into the water and mix well.
- Add the vinegar and essential oil.
Homemade Natural Bleach Alternative
What you Need |
- Mix and store in a large glass container.
- Use as you would regular bleach.
Homemade Natural All Purpose Stain Remover
- Mix the water vinegar and essential oil in a spray bottle
- Shake the Borax onto the stain
- Spray with vinegar/water mixture
- Let sit 10-20 minutes
- Brush with an old toothbrush
- Launder
Homemade Natural Stain Removers for Specific Stains
I did two loads of laundry, using both the liquid and powder laundry detergents as well as the fabric softener. I also tried the bleach alternative and all-purpose stain remover.
Our clothes are clean! Everything smells so fresh and natural. I am hooked!
I didn't price the ingredients and figure cost per load, but you can see from the prices below that everything I bought barely cost what one jug of each commercial detergent, bleach and fabric softener costs and I only used a fraction to mix up a batch of each product.
I still have enough to make many, many more batches, so the savings will be substantial.
Also by making your own laundry products, all those ugly plastic jugs and containers that commercial products are packaged in aren't going to landfills.
The ingredients I used mostly come in cardboard boxes, so the burden on the environment is greatly reduced. And making your own gives you an excuse to find pretty reusable jars and canisters to store them in.