Our Melon and Squash Garden | The Harvest
Growing melons and squash isn't difficult and reaps wonderful rewards for both you and your chickens.
Earlier in the year, my husband tilled a new garden for squash and melons.
The area measures roughly 20x28 and I planted a variety of squash, cucumbers and melons in the nice rich soil that had been fertilized by our horses for more than a decade.
Fenced in, our garden was safe from deer and rabbits. Although we practice organic gardening, our bug damage was minimal and we enjoyed quite a nice harvest from our little garden.
The area measures roughly 20x28 and I planted a variety of squash, cucumbers and melons in the nice rich soil that had been fertilized by our horses for more than a decade.
Fenced in, our garden was safe from deer and rabbits. Although we practice organic gardening, our bug damage was minimal and we enjoyed quite a nice harvest from our little garden.
Our Melon and Squash Garden | The Harvest
Thanks to a cool, fairly rainy summer, the garden flourished and we had bumper crops of cucumbers and squash, particularly.
I baked Zucchini Bread and roasted several varities of squash. I made cucumber salad with vinegar, sugar and sliced onions, and we fed the chickens and ducks the cantaloupe and cucumbers which act as natural wormers.
We've still got some watermelon that aren't ready to pick yet, but I thought you might like to see a bit of our wonderful harvest so far. Nothing beats homegrown produce and sun-ripened vegetables.
I baked Zucchini Bread and roasted several varities of squash. I made cucumber salad with vinegar, sugar and sliced onions, and we fed the chickens and ducks the cantaloupe and cucumbers which act as natural wormers.
We've still got some watermelon that aren't ready to pick yet, but I thought you might like to see a bit of our wonderful harvest so far. Nothing beats homegrown produce and sun-ripened vegetables.
10 Sugar Baby Watermelon
2 Orangeglo Watermelon
2 Honey Dew Melon
8 Cantaloupe
1 Sugar Pumpkins
9 Burgess Buttercup Squash
9 Zucchini
19 Caserta Squash
7 Striped Curshaw Pumpkins
39 Boston Pickling Cucumbers
52 Bush Crop Cucumbers
3 Lemon Cucumbers
Plus I picked a whole bunch of bug-ridden or otherwise discarded melons and squash for the chickens!
If you missed the first two parts in this garden series, read about the tilling and planting HERE and the Battle between the Good Bugs and Bad Bugs HERE.
3 Lemon Cucumbers
Plus I picked a whole bunch of bug-ridden or otherwise discarded melons and squash for the chickens!
If you missed the first two parts in this garden series, read about the tilling and planting HERE and the Battle between the Good Bugs and Bad Bugs HERE.
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