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How Much Space Does a Duck Need?

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Here's a simple infographic covering how much space, feed, water and light a backyard duck really needs.

Of course you want your ducks to be as happy as possible and you might wonder exactly what they need for happiness? 

The rules of thumb are just that - rules of thumb - more is always better of course, but here's a handy chart to pin or bookmark listing the essentials your backyard ducks need.

How Much Space Does a Duck Need?

Coop Floor Space | 3-5 square feet per duck

Nesting Box Space | N/A Ducks lay on the floor in nests they make out of straw or other bedding

Roosting Bar Space to Sleep at Night | N/A Ducks sleep on the floor

Run/Pen Space | Minimum of 15 square feet per duck

Feed | 4-6 ounces per duck per day

Water | Up to  4 cups per duck per day

Treats No more than 1-2 Tablespoons per duck per day

Hours of Daylight to Lay Eggs | 14-16 hours per day with 16 hours being optimal

Days to Hatch an Egg | 28 days egg to baby chick

If you're thinking of getting started raising a few ducks, or adding to your flock, just give my chart a quick glance so you know if you've got the space you need, or need to make a few modifications to your set-up.

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Further Reading

Researched and written by author and 5th generation chicken keeper Lisa Steele
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