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9 Essential Tools for Egg Lovers

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Eggs are so versatile and can be prepared in so many different ways - which requires that you have some essential tools in your kitchen to prepare them correctly. 

I eat eggs almost every day for breakfast (at least when my chickens are laying!) And since the average American eats about 280 eggs a year, apparently I'm not alone. 

I would say it's a safe guess that the majority of American families are sitting down to a breakfast of eggs more often than not.

Fried, scrambled, poached, soft-boiled, hard-boiled, cooked into an omelet, or baked into a frittata or quiche, each method of cooking eggs results in a wildly different result.

Since eggs are so versatile and can be prepared in so many ways, it's essential that you stock a few must-have tools in your kitchen. 

9 Essential Tools for Egg Lovers

1. A Whisk (or Three!)

Whether you're scrambling eggs or getting ready to make an omelet, frittata, quiche, or cake, you're going to need to whisk a bowl full of eggs. 

I consider my whisk one of my most essential kitchen tools. And I have more than one whisk. I have full-sized and mini whisks, as well as metal and silicone (for my enameled pans that a metal whisk would scratch) whisks.

I have balloon whisks and French whisks (which are actually the best for eggs, I think), or you can use an egg/gravy whisk or coil whisk instead for your eggs (I find these harder to clean though).

2. A Slotted Spoon

Not a fan of scrambled eggs? Are poached eggs your thing instead? Then you'll need a slotted spoon to fish the eggs out of the water when they're done.

3. A Colander

Colanders come in handy in any kitchen, but I use mine constantly with my eggs. I fill the colander with eggs, then rinse them under warm water just before cracking them. 

I also steam eggs in my colander over a pot of simmering water instead of boiling them when I make hard-cooked or deviled eggs.

4. A Spatula 

Spatulas come in all materials, shapes and sizes. Since I often use my enameled cast iron pan for cooking eggs, I usually reach for my wooden spatula, although I also love a silicone spatula because it bends and molds itself to the shape of the pan. 

If you're using a stainless steel or cast iron pan for your eggs, you can also use a metal spatula.

Whether you're scrambling or frying eggs, or making an omelet, a spatula will help them out of the pan quite nicely.

5. Tongs

A set of tongs are essential for handling hard-cooked eggs before they're cool. I'm always reaching for my tongs when I cook eggs for egg salad or deviled eggs.

6. A "Non-stick" Skillet

I ditched Teflon and other traditional non-stick pans decades ago.  

But a good skillet is essential for cooking eggs. Although I do love my cast iron skillets, I tend to cook my eggs in an enameled cast iron skillet. The smooth surface ensures that your eggs won't stick.

7. An Omelet Pan

Omelets are a beast all of their own. They can be tricky, and a dedicated omelet pan is something I consider essential if you plan on making a lot of omelets.

A good omelet pan feels good in your hand, isn't too heavy and has shallow, sloped sides.

8. An Egg Timer

Because eggs cook extremely quickly, even one minute of additional cooking time can mean the difference between a soft-boiled, jammy egg yolk and a fully cooked yolk. 

These days, I would guess most of us use our phones as kitchen timers, but keeping an egg timer on hand isn't a bad idea in case your phone is out of a charge while you're poaching your eggs! 

 9. A Deviled Egg Tray

It seems that everyone loves deviled eggs! They're always a big hit at potluck suppers, picnics, and barbeques. Investing in a pretty plate to showcase your beautiful eggs isn't a bad idea. 

Nobody wants to deal with eggs sliding around on a regular plate - especially if you're bringing your deviled eggs to someone else's house. 

Sure, you can slice off a bit of the bottom of each egg white to stabilize the eggs, or arrange them on a piece of lettuce, but it's just easier to buy yourself an egg tray.

Having these 9 essential tools will elevate your egg cooking - or at at the very least make your cooking easier.

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