DIY Yule Log Candle Holder
I love rustic Christmas decorations, and part of our decorating always involves gathering evergreen boughs, pine cones and berries from our yard and the surrounding woods to use in our home for the holidays.
This year, I got a bit more ambitious and decided to make a true Yule log out of a branch. Free and easy, using just a few basic tools, this couldn't have been quicker to make.

DIY Yule Log Candle Holder
I grabbed a hand saw from the garage (chain saws terrify me!) and headed out to the woods to find the perfect branch. Before long, I had found it! A fallen tree yielded me a 2-1/2 foot long log.
Carrying my prize back to the house, I rummaged a bit to find the other tools I needed to complete my project. In a nice bit of luck, the circular drill bit that is used to drill door knob holes in doors happens to be exactly the same size as a tea light!
So I made four equidistant holes in the log with the drill and then used a hammer and screwdriver to dig out and even out each hole so a tea light would fit into each.
After I drilled my holes and positioned the candles, I arranged my yule log on our dining room table and decorated it with some pine cones, evergreen cuttings and berries. Festive and thrifty!
Can't beat that! This would even make a beautiful gift if you glued some pinecones and fake greenery to it.