10 Practical Uses for Eggshells
I normally just crush up all our eggshells and feed them free-choice to our chickens as an economical way to provide them the extra calcium they need to lay eggs with nice hard shells.
But there are so many other practical uses for eggshells.
10 Practical Uses for Eggshells
Here are my top ten ways to use eggshells around your coop, garden and home.
Uses for Eggshells in The Chicken Coop
Supplemental Calcium Source for your Chickens
This is what normally ends up happening with our eggshells. Instead of buying commercial oyster shell, try putting out some crushed eggshell for your chickens' calcium requirements.
Always feed them free-choice to each hen can nibble on as much or as little as she needs. Non-laying pullets and roosters won't eat any.
Uses for Eggshells in The Garden
Vegetable Seed Starter Cups
Eggshell halves make nice cups to start seeds in. You can just plant the whole thing in the ground when you're ready to put them in the ground outside.
Calcium-loving crops like tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and melons really appreciate the extra calcium.
Slug Control
Speaking of eggshells in the garden, why not sprinkle a ring of crushed eggshell around your plants to prevent slugs from munching on them.
The sharp edges keep the slugs out and as an added bonus, the shells will provide that added calcium to prevent blossom end rot.
Better Compost
Eggshells also make a wonderful addition to your compost pile, along with coffee grounds, grass clippings, kitchen scraps and garden trimmings.
They break down nicely and will add much-needed calcium carbonate to your potting soil or garden come spring.
Flower pots
Arrange small flowers, succulents or freshly cut herbs in eggshells filled with water and put them in an egg carton for a quick and easy windowsill garden.
Uses for Eggshells in The Home
Beeswax Candle Holders
Eggshells make pretty candles. Its as simple as rinsing out the shells, melting some beeswax and adding a wick and you've got a simple candle to light up those cold winter nights.
Blown Out Egg Ornaments
Eggshells are easy to blow out and the empty shells make beautiful holiday ornaments. A bowl of blown eggs also looks pretty on your kitchen counter for Christmas or Easter.
Calcium Supplement for YOU!
Eggshells can easily be turned into an economical calcium supplement for you. It's important to get enough calcium for strong teeth and bones throughout life.
Here's how to make calcium powder to use as a dietary supplement.
- Rinse out the eggshells and arrange them in a single layer on a cookie sheet.
- Bake at 350 for 6-8 minutes, then pulverize them into a powder using a coffee grinder.
- Add 1/2 teaspoon per day to orange juice or any liquid of your choice for a healthy, easily absorbed calcium supplement.
Instant Egg Band-aid
Cut yourself while preparing dinner? No need to rummage for a band-aid. Just crack open an egg, peel off some of the membrane and wrap it around your cut.
Not only will it harden and stop the blood flow, it will keep out bacteria while letting in air to allow the wound to heal and studies have shown the egg membrane actually speeds wound healing.
And one last bonus tip using the egg, not the shells....
Egg Hair Treatment Mask
Eggs contain lots of vitamins and nutrients. The protein and biotin in them is especially good for your hair and will help with strength, shine and elasticity.
How to Make an Egg Mask |
- Whisk two or three eggs, depending on how long your hair is.
- Work the egg mixture into your dry hair starting at the scalp.
- Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with cool or lukewarm water.
- Shampoo and rinse.
- Repeat treatment weekly or as desired.
- Discard any extra egg mixture.